The Making of 5 Tiers Wedding Cake

I want to share pictures of how this 5 tiers wedding cake was made. Please like. comment and share!!!
This cake is made up of 3 square tiers at the bottom and 2 round tiers on top with a bouquet of roses on the top of it to complement the set-up.

The cake was made from Nigerian Wedding Cake Recipe with mixed fruit (recipe coming soon).

First of all, the roses were made and kept in egg crates to air dry. See pictures below

Making the roses

Working on the roses

Drying on egg crate

Attaching roses to the top tier

Finishing up

Attaching pearls to the quilted cake

Designing the second top tier

Designing the middle tier

Finishing up with the design

Completing the design

Cut-outs for bottom tier

Bottom tier completed and placed on cake board

The assembled cake


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